الكتاب المقدس (Van Dyke)

American Standard Version



1فاجاب ايوب وقال
1Then Job answered and said,
2كيف اعنت من لا قوة له وخلصت ذراعا لا عزّ لها.
2How hast thou helped him that is without power! How hast thou saved the arm that hath no strength!
3كيف اشرت على من لا حكمة له واظهرت الفهم بكثرة.
3How hast thou counselled him that hath no wisdom, And plentifully declared sound knowledge!
4لمن اعلنت اقوالا ونسمة من خرجت منك
4To whom hast thou uttered words? And whose spirit came forth from thee?
5الأخيلة ترتعد من تحت المياه وسكانها.
5They that are deceased tremble Beneath the waters and the inhabitants thereof.
6الهاوية عريانة قدامه والهلاك ليس له غطاء.
6Sheol is naked before [God], And Abaddon hath no covering.
7يمد الشمال على الخلاء ويعلّق الارض على لا شيء.
7He stretcheth out the north over empty space, And hangeth the earth upon nothing.
8يصرّ المياه في سحبه فلا يتمزق الغيم تحتها.
8He bindeth up the waters in his thick clouds; And the cloud is not rent under them.
9يحجب وجه كرسيه باسطا عليه سحابه.
9He incloseth the face of his throne, And spreadeth his cloud upon it.
10رسم حدّا على وجه المياه عند اتصال النور بالظلمة.
10He hath described a boundary upon the face of the waters, Unto the confines of light and darkness.
11اعمدة السموات ترتعد وترتاع من زجره.
11The pillars of heaven tremble And are astonished at his rebuke.
12بقوته يزعج البحر وبفهمه يسحق رهب.
12He stirreth up the sea with his power, And by his understanding he smiteth through Rahab.
13بنفخته السموات مسفرة ويداه ابدأتا الحية الهاربة.
13By his Spirit the heavens are garnished; His hand hath pierced the swift serpent.
14ها هذه اطراف طرقه وما اخفض الكلام الذي نسمعه منه. واما رعد جبروته فمن يفهم
14Lo, these are but the outskirts of his ways: And how small a whisper do we hear of him! But the thunder of his power who can understand?