الكتاب المقدس (Van Dyke)

American Standard Version



1لداود‎. ‎اليك يا رب اصرخ يا صخرتي لا تتصامم من جهتي لئلا تسكت عني فاشبه الهابطين في الجب‎.
1[A Psalm] of David. Unto thee, O Jehovah, will I call: My rock, be not thou deaf unto me; Lest, if thou be silent unto me, I become like them that go down into the pit.
2‎استمع صوت تضرعي اذ استغيث بك وارفع يديّ الى محراب قدسك‎.
2Hear the voice of my supplications, when I cry unto thee, When I lift up my hands toward thy holy oracle.
3‎لا تجذبني مع الاشرار ومع فعلة الاثم المخاطبين اصحابهم بالسلام والشر في قلوبهم‎.
3Draw me not away with the wicked, And with the workers of iniquity; That speak peace with their neighbors, But mischief is in their hearts.
4‎اعطهم حسب فعلهم وحسب شر اعمالهم. حسب صنع ايديهم اعطهم. رد عليهم معاملتهم‎.
4Give them according to their work, and according to the wickedness of their doings: Give them after the operation of their hands; Render to them their desert.
5‎لانهم لم ينتبهوا الى افعال الرب ولا الى اعمال يديه يهدمهم ولا يبنيهم
5Because they regard not the works of Jehovah, Nor the operation of his hands, He will break them down and not build them up.
6مبارك الرب لانه سمع صوت تضرعي‎.
6Blessed be Jehovah, Because he hath heard the voice of my supplications.
7‎الرب عزّي وترسي عليه اتكل قلبي فانتصرت. ويبتهج قلبي وباغنيتي احمده‎.
7Jehovah is my strength and my shield; My heart hath trusted in him, and I am helped: Therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; And with my song will I praise him.
8‎الرب عزّ لهم وحصن خلاص مسيحه هو‎.
8Jehovah is their strength, And he is a stronghold of salvation to his anointed.
9‎خلّص شعبك وبارك ميراثك وارعهم واحملهم الى الابد
9Save thy people, and bless thine inheritance: Be their shepherd also, and bear them up for ever.