الكتاب المقدس (Van Dyke)

World English Bible



1قال الرب لموسى ادخل الى فرعون وقل له هكذا يقول الرب اطلق شعبي ليعبدوني.
1Yahweh spoke to Moses, Go in to Pharaoh, and tell him, “This is what Yahweh says, ‘Let my people go, that they may serve me.
2وان كنت تأبى ان تطلقهم فها انا اضرب جميع تخومك بالضفادع.
2If you refuse to let them go, behold, I will plague all your borders with frogs:
3فيفيض النهر ضفادع. فتصعد وتدخل الى بيتك والى مخدع فراشك وعلى سريرك والى بيوت عبيدك وعلى شعبك والى تنانيرك والى معاجنك.
3and the river shall swarm with frogs, which shall go up and come into your house, and into your bedroom, and on your bed, and into the house of your servants, and on your people, and into your ovens, and into your kneading troughs:
4عليك وعلى شعبك وعبيدك تصعد الضفادع
4and the frogs shall come up both on you, and on your people, and on all your servants.’”
5فقال الرب لموسى قل لهرون مدّ يدك بعصاك على الانهار والسواقي والآجام واصعد الضفادع على ارض مصر.
5Yahweh said to Moses, “Tell Aaron, ‘Stretch out your hand with your rod over the rivers, over the streams, and over the pools, and cause frogs to come up on the land of Egypt.’”
6فمدّ هرون يده على مياه مصر. فصعدت الضفادع وغطت ارض مصر.
6Aaron stretched out his hand over the waters of Egypt; and the frogs came up, and covered the land of Egypt.
7وفعل كذلك العرافون بسحرهم واصعدوا الضفادع على ارض مصر
7The magicians did the same thing with their enchantments, and brought up frogs on the land of Egypt.
8فدعا فرعون موسى وهرون وقال صليا الى الرب ليرفع الضفادع عني وعن شعبي فأطلق الشعب ليذبحوا للرب.
8Then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron, and said, “Entreat Yahweh, that he take away the frogs from me, and from my people; and I will let the people go, that they may sacrifice to Yahweh.”
9فقال موسى لفرعون عيّن لي متى اصلي لاجلك ولاجل عبيدك وشعبك لقطع الضفادع عنك وعن بيوتك. ولكنها تبقى في النهر.
9Moses said to Pharaoh, “I give you the honor of setting the time that I should pray for you, and for your servants, and for your people, that the frogs be destroyed from you and your houses, and remain in the river only.”
10فقال غدا. فقال كقولك. لكي تعرف ان ليس مثل الرب الهنا.
10He said, “Tomorrow.” He said, “Be it according to your word, that you may know that there is none like Yahweh our God.
11فترتفع الضفادع عنك وعن بيوتك وعبيدك وشعبك. ولكنها تبقى في النهر
11The frogs shall depart from you, and from your houses, and from your servants, and from your people. They shall remain in the river only.”
12ثم خرج موسى وهرون من لدن فرعون وصرخ موسى الى الرب من اجل الضفادع التي جعلها على فرعون.
12Moses and Aaron went out from Pharaoh, and Moses cried to Yahweh concerning the frogs which he had brought on Pharaoh.
13ففعل الرب كقول موسى. فماتت الضفادع من البيوت والدور والحقول.
13Yahweh did according to the word of Moses, and the frogs died out of the houses, out of the courts, and out of the fields.
14وجمعوها كوما كثيرة حتى أنتنت الارض.
14They gathered them together in heaps, and the land stank.
15فلما رأى فرعون انه قد حصل الفرج اغلظ قلبه ولم يسمع لهما كما تكلم الرب
15But when Pharaoh saw that there was a respite, he hardened his heart, and didn’t listen to them, as Yahweh had spoken.
16ثم قال الرب لموسى قل لهرون مدّ عصاك واضرب تراب الارض ليصير بعوضا في جميع ارض مصر.
16Yahweh said to Moses, “Tell Aaron, ‘Stretch out your rod, and strike the dust of the earth, that it may become lice throughout all the land of Egypt.’”
17ففعلا كذلك. مدّ هرون يده بعصاه وضرب تراب الارض. فصار البعوض على الناس وعلى البهائم. كل تراب الارض صار بعوضا في جميع ارض مصر.
17They did so; and Aaron stretched out his hand with his rod, and struck the dust of the earth, and there were lice on man, and on animal; all the dust of the earth became lice throughout all the land of Egypt.
18وفعل كذلك العرافون بسحرهم ليخرجوا البعوض فلم يستطيعوا. وكان البعوض على الناس وعلى البهائم.
18The magicians tried with their enchantments to produce lice, but they couldn’t. There were lice on man, and on animal.
19فقال العرافون لفرعون هذا اصبع الله. ولكن اشتد قلب فرعون فلم يسمع لهما كما تكلم الرب
19Then the magicians said to Pharaoh, “This is the finger of God:” and Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, and he didn’t listen to them; as Yahweh had spoken.
20ثم قال الرب لموسى بكّر في الصباح وقف امام فرعون. انه يخرج الى الماء. وقل له هكذا يقول الرب اطلق شعبي ليعبدوني.
20Yahweh said to Moses, “Rise up early in the morning, and stand before Pharaoh; behold, he comes out to the water; and tell him, ‘This is what Yahweh says, “Let my people go, that they may serve me.
21فانه ان كنت لا تطلق شعبي ها انا ارسل عليك وعلى عبيدك وعلى شعبك وعلى بيوتك الذبّان. فتمتلئ بيوت المصريين ذبّانا. وايضا الارض التي هم عليها.
21Else, if you will not let my people go, behold, I will send swarms of flies on you, and on your servants, and on your people, and into your houses: and the houses of the Egyptians shall be full of swarms of flies, and also the ground whereon they are.
22ولكن أميّز في ذلك اليوم ارض جاسان حيث شعبي مقيم حتى لا يكون هناك ذبّان. لكي تعلم اني انا الرب في الارض.
22I will set apart in that day the land of Goshen, in which my people dwell, that no swarms of flies shall be there; to the end you may know that I am Yahweh in the midst of the earth.
23واجعل فرقا بين شعبي وشعبك. غدا تكون هذه الآية.
23I will put a division between my people and your people: by tomorrow shall this sign be.”’”
24ففعل الرب هكذا. فدخلت ذبان كثيرة الى بيت فرعون وبيوت عبيده وفي كل ارض مصر خربت الارض من الذبّان
24Yahweh did so; and there came grievous swarms of flies into the house of Pharaoh, and into his servants’ houses: and in all the land of Egypt the land was corrupted by reason of the swarms of flies.
25فدعا فرعون موسى وهرون وقال اذهبوا اذبحوا لالهكم في هذه الارض.
25Pharaoh called for Moses and for Aaron, and said, “Go, sacrifice to your God in the land!”
26فقال موسى لا يصلح ان نفعل هكذا. لاننا انما نذبح رجس المصريين للرب الهنا. ان ذبحنا رجس المصريين امام عيونهم أفلا يرجموننا.
26Moses said, “It isn’t appropriate to do so; for we shall sacrifice the abomination of the Egyptians to Yahweh our God. Behold, shall we sacrifice the abomination of the Egyptians before their eyes, and won’t they stone us?
27نذهب سفر ثلاثة ايام في البرية ونذبح للرب الهنا كما يقول لنا.
27We will go three days’ journey into the wilderness, and sacrifice to Yahweh our God, as he shall command us.”
28فقال فرعون انا اطلقكم لتذبحوا للرب الهكم في البرية ولكن لا تذهبوا بعيدا. صلّيا لاجلي.
28Pharaoh said, “I will let you go, that you may sacrifice to Yahweh your God in the wilderness, only you shall not go very far away. Pray for me.”
29فقال موسى ها انا اخرج من لدنك واصلي الى الرب. فترتفع الذبان عن فرعون وعبيده وشعبه غدا. ولكن لا يعد فرعون يخاتل حتى لا يطلق الشعب ليذبح للرب
29Moses said, “Behold, I go out from you, and I will pray to Yahweh that the swarms of flies may depart from Pharaoh, from his servants, and from his people, tomorrow; only don’t let Pharaoh deal deceitfully any more in not letting the people go to sacrifice to Yahweh.”
30فخرج موسى من لدن فرعون وصلى الى الرب.
30Moses went out from Pharaoh, and prayed to Yahweh.
31ففعل الرب كقول موسى. فارتفع الذبان عن فرعون وعبيده وشعبه. لم تبق واحدة.
31Yahweh did according to the word of Moses, and he removed the swarms of flies from Pharaoh, from his servants, and from his people. There remained not one.
32ولكن اغلظ فرعون قلبه هذه المرة ايضا فلم يطلق الشعب
32Pharaoh hardened his heart this time also, and he didn’t let the people go.