الكتاب المقدس (Van Dyke)

World English Bible



1وكان في السنة الحادية عشرة في الشهر الثالث في اول الشهر ان كلام الرب كان اليّ قائلا
1It happened in the eleventh year, in the third month, in the first day of the month, that the word of Yahweh came to me, saying,
2يا ابن آدم قل لفرعون ملك مصر وجمهوره من اشبهت في عظمتك.
2Son of man, tell Pharaoh king of Egypt, and to his multitude: Whom are you like in your greatness?
3هوذا اعلى الارز في لبنان جميل الاغصان واغبى الظل وقامته طويلة وكان فرعه بين الغيوم.
3Behold, the Assyrian was a cedar in Lebanon with beautiful branches, and with a forest-like shade, and of high stature; and its top was among the thick boughs.
4وقد عظمته المياه ورفعه الغمر انهاره جرت من حول مغرسه وارسلت جداولها الى كل اشجار الحقل.
4The waters nourished it, the deep made it to grow: its rivers ran all around its plantation; and it sent out its channels to all the trees of the field.
5فلذلك ارتفعت قامته على جميع اشجار الحقل وكثرت اغصانه وطالت فروعه لكثرة المياه اذ نبت.
5Therefore its stature was exalted above all the trees of the field; and its boughs were multiplied, and its branches became long by reason of many waters, when it shot them forth.
6وعششت في اغصانه كل طيور السماء وتحت فروعه ولدت كل حيوان البر وسكن تحت ظله كل الامم العظيمة.
6All the birds of the sky made their nests in its boughs; and under its branches all the animals of the field brought forth their young; and all great nations lived under its shadow.
7فكان جميلا في عظمته وفي طول قضبانه لان اصله كان على مياه كثيرة.
7Thus was it beautiful in its greatness, in the length of its branches; for its root was by many waters.
8الارز في جنة الله لم يفقه السرو ولم يشبه اغصانه والدلب لم يكن مثل فروعه. كل الاشجار في جنة الله لم تشبهه في حسنه.
8The cedars in the garden of God could not hide it; the fir trees were not like its boughs, and the plane trees were not as its branches; nor was any tree in the garden of God like it in its beauty.
9جعلته جميلا بكثرة قضبانه حتى حسدته كل اشجار عدن التي في جنة الله
9I made it beautiful by the multitude of its branches, so that all the trees of Eden, that were in the garden of God, envied it.
10لذلك هكذا قال السيد الرب. من اجل انك ارتفعت قامتك وقد جعل فرعه بين الغيوم وارتفع قلبه بعلوّه
10Therefore thus said the Lord Yahweh: Because you are exalted in stature, and he has set his top among the thick boughs, and his heart is lifted up in his height;
11اسلمته الى يد قوي الامم فيفعل به فعلا. لشره طردته.
11I will even deliver him into the hand of the mighty one of the nations; he shall surely deal with him; I have driven him out for his wickedness.
12ويستأصله الغرباء عتاة الامم ويتركونه فتتساقط قضبانه على الجبال وفي جميع الاودية وتنكسر قضبانه عند كل انهار الارض وينزل عن ظله كل شعوب الارض ويتركونه.
12Strangers, the terrible of the nations, have cut him off, and have left him: on the mountains and in all the valleys his branches are fallen, and his boughs are broken by all the watercourses of the land; and all the peoples of the earth are gone down from his shadow, and have left him.
13على هشيمه تستقر جميع طيور السماء وجميع حيوان البر تكون على قضبانه.
13On his ruin all the birds of the sky shall dwell, and all the animals of the field shall be on his branches;
14لكيلا ترتفع شجرة ما وهي على المياه لقامتها ولا تجعل فرعها بين الغيوم ولا تقوم بلوطاتها في ارتفاعها كل شاربة ماء لانها قد أسلمت جميعا الى الموت الى الارض السفلى في وسط بني آدم مع الهابطين في الجب.
14to the end that none of all the trees by the waters exalt themselves in their stature, neither set their top among the thick boughs, nor that their mighty ones stand up on their height, even all who drink water: for they are all delivered to death, to the lower parts of the earth, in the midst of the children of men, with those who go down to the pit.
15هكذا قال السيد الرب. في يوم نزوله الى الهاوية اقمت نوحا. كسوت عليه الغمر ومنعت انهاره وفنيت المياه الكثيرة واحزنت لبنان عليه وكل اشجار الحقل ذبلت عليه.
15Thus says the Lord Yahweh: In the day when he went down to Sheol I caused a mourning: I covered the deep for him, and I restrained its rivers; and the great waters were stayed; and I caused Lebanon to mourn for him, and all the trees of the field fainted for him.
16من صوت سقوطه ارجفت الامم عند انزالي اياه الى الهاوية مع الهابطين في الجب فتتعزى في الارض السفلى كل اشجار عدن مختار لبنان وخياره كل شاربة ماء.
16I made the nations to shake at the sound of his fall, when I cast him down to Sheol with those who descend into the pit; and all the trees of Eden, the choice and best of Lebanon, all that drink water, were comforted in the lower parts of the earth.
17هم ايضا نزلوا الى الهاوية معه الى القتلى بالسيف وزرعه الساكنون تحت ظله في وسط الامم.
17They also went down into Sheol with him to those who are slain by the sword; yes, those who were his arm, that lived under his shadow in the midst of the nations.
18من اشبهت في المجد والعظمة هكذا بين اشجار عدن. ستحدر مع اشجار عدن الى الارض السفلى وتضطجع بين الغلف مع المقتولين بالسيف. هذا فرعون وكل جمهوره يقول السيد الرب
18To whom are you thus like in glory and in greatness among the trees of Eden? yet you will be brought down with the trees of Eden to the lower parts of the earth: you shall lie in the midst of the uncircumcised, with those who are slain by the sword. This is Pharaoh and all his multitude, says the Lord Yahweh.