1الحكمة بنت بيتها. نحتت اعمدتها السبعة.
1Wisdom has built her house. She has carved out her seven pillars.
2ذبحت ذبحها مزجت خمرها. ايضا رتبت مائدتها.
2She has prepared her meat. She has mixed her wine. She has also set her table.
3ارسلت جواريها تنادي على ظهور اعالي المدينة.
3She has sent out her maidens. She cries from the highest places of the city:
4من هو جاهل فليمل الى هنا. والناقص الفهم قالت له
4“Whoever is simple, let him turn in here!” As for him who is void of understanding, she says to him,
5هلموا كلوا من طعامي واشربوا من الخمر التي مزجتها.
5“Come, eat some of my bread, Drink some of the wine which I have mixed!
6اتركوا الجهالات فتحيوا وسيروا في طريق الفهم
6Leave your simple ways, and live. Walk in the way of understanding.”
7من يوبخ مستهزئا يكسب لنفسه هوانا ومن ينذر شريرا يكسب عيبا.
7He who corrects a mocker invites insult. He who reproves a wicked man invites abuse.
8لا توبخ مستهزئا لئلا يبغضك. وبخ حكيما فيحبك.
8Don’t reprove a scoffer, lest he hate you. Reprove a wise man, and he will love you.
9اعط حكيما فيكون اوفر حكمة. علّم صدّيقا فيزداد علما.
9Instruct a wise man, and he will be still wiser. Teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning.
10بدء الحكمة مخافة الرب ومعرفة القدوس فهم.
10The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of wisdom. The knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
11لانه بي تكثر ايامك وتزداد لك سنو حياة.
11For by me your days will be multiplied. The years of your life will be increased.
12ان كنت حكيما فانت حكيم لنفسك وان استهزأت فانت وحدك تتحمل
12If you are wise, you are wise for yourself. If you mock, you alone will bear it.
13المرأة الجاهلة صخّابة حمقاء ولا تدري شيئا.
13The foolish woman is loud, Undisciplined, and knows nothing.
14فتقعد عند باب بيتها على كرسي في اعالي المدينة
14She sits at the door of her house, on a seat in the high places of the city,
15لتنادي عابري السبيل المقوّمين طرقهم.
15To call to those who pass by, who go straight on their ways,
16من هو جاهل فليمل الى هنا. والناقص الفهم تقول له
16“Whoever is simple, let him turn in here.” as for him who is void of understanding, she says to him,
17المياه المسروقة حلوة وخبز الخفية لذيذ.
17“Stolen water is sweet. Food eaten in secret is pleasant.”
18ولا يعلم ان الاخيلة هناك وان في اعماق الهاوية ضيوفها
18But he doesn’t know that the dead are there, that her guests are in the depths of Sheol Sheol is the place of the dead. .