1روحي تلفت. ايامي انطفأت. انما القبور لي
1My spirit is consumed, my days are extinct, The grave is [ready] for me.
2لولا المخاتلون عندي وعيني تبيت على مشاجراتهم.
2Surely there are mockers with me, And mine eye dwelleth upon their provocation.
3كن ضامني عند نفسك. من هو الذي يصفق يدي.
3Give now a pledge, be surety for me with thyself; Who is there that will strike hands with me?
4لانك منعت قلبهم عن الفطنة. لاجل ذلك لا ترفعهم.
4For thou hast hid their heart from understanding: Therefore shalt thou not exalt [them].
5الذي يسلم الاصحاب للسلب تتلف عيون بنيه.
5He that denounceth his friends for a prey, Even the eyes of his children shall fail.
6اوقفني مثلا للشعوب وصرت للبصق في الوجه.
6But he hath made me a byword of the people; And they spit in my face.
7كلت عيني من الحزن واعضائي كلها كالظل.
7Mine eye also is dim by reason of sorrow, And all my members are as a shadow.
8يتعجب المستقيمون من هذا والبريء ينتهض على الفاجر.
8Upright men shall be astonished at this, And the innocent shall stir up himself against the godless.
9اما الصدّيق فيستمسك بطريقه والطاهر اليدين يزداد قوة
9Yet shall the righteous hold on his way, And he that hath clean hands shall wax stronger and stronger.
10ولكن ارجعوا كلكم وتعالوا فلا اجد فيكم حكيما.
10But as for you all, come on now again; And I shall not find a wise man among you.
11ايامي قد عبرت. مقاصدي إرث قلبي قد انتزعت.
11My days are past, my purposes are broken off, Even the thoughts of my heart.
12يجعلون الليل نهارا نورا قريبا للظلمة.
12They change the night into day: The light, [say they], is near unto the darkness.
13اذا رجوت الهاوية بيتا لي وفي الظلام مهدت فراشي
13If I look for Sheol as my house; If I have spread my couch in the darkness;
14وقلت للقبر انت ابي وللدود انت امي واختي
14If I have said to corruption, Thou art my father; To the worm, [Thou art] my mother, and my sister;
15فاين اذا آمالي. آمالي. من يعاينها.
15Where then is my hope? And as for my hope, who shall see it?
16تهبط الى مغاليق الهاوية اذ ترتاح معا في التراب
16It shall go down to the bars of Sheol, When once there is rest in the dust.