1فاجاب اليهو وقال
1Moreover Elihu answered and said,
2اسمعوا اقوالي ايها الحكماء واصغوا لي ايها العارفون.
2Hear my words, ye wise men; And give ear unto me, ye that have knowledge.
3لان الاذن تمتحن الاقوال كما ان الحنك يذوق طعاما.
3For the ear trieth words, As the palate tasteth food.
4لنمتحن لانفسنا الحق ونعرف بين انفسنا ما هو طيب
4Let us choose for us that which is right: Let us know among ourselves what is good.
5لان ايوب قال تبررت والله نزع حقي.
5For Job hath said, I am righteous, And God hath taken away my right:
6عند محاكمتي اكذب. جرحي عديم الشفاء من دون ذنب.
6Notwithstanding my right I am [accounted] a liar; My wound is incurable, [though I am] without transgression.
7فاي انسان كايوب يشرب الهزء كالماء
7What man is like Job, Who drinketh up scoffing like water,
8ويسير متحدا مع فاعلي الاثم وذاهبا مع اهل الشر.
8Who goeth in company with the workers of iniquity, And walketh with wicked men?
9لانه قال لا ينتفع الانسان بكونه مرضيا عند الله
9For he hath said, It profiteth a man nothing That he should delight himself with God.
10لاجل ذلك اسمعوا لي يا ذوي الالباب. حاشا لله من الشر وللقدير من الظلم.
10Therefore hearken unto me, ye men of understanding: Far be it from God, that he should do wickedness, And from the Almighty, that he should commit iniquity.
11لانه يجازي الانسان على فعله وينيل الرجل كطريقه.
11For the work of a man will he render unto him, And cause every man to find according to his ways.
12فحقا ان الله لا يفعل سوءا والقدير لا يعوج القضاء.
12Yea, of a surety, God will not do wickedly, Neither will the Almighty pervert justice.
13من وكله بالارض ومن صنع المسكونه كلها.
13Who gave him a charge over the earth? Or who hath disposed the whole world?
14ان جعل عليه قلبه ان جمع الى نفسه روحه ونسمته
14If he set his heart upon himself, [If] he gather unto himself his spirit and his breath;
15يسلم الروح كل بشر جميعا ويعود الانسان الى التراب.
15All flesh shall perish together, And man shall turn again unto dust.
16فان كان لك فهم فاسمع هذا واصغ الى صوت كلماتي.
16If now [thou hast] understanding, hear this: Hearken to the voice of my words.
17ألعل من يبغض الحق يتسلط ام البار الكبير تستذنب.
17Shall even one that hateth justice govern? And wilt thou condemn him that is righteous [and] mighty?-
18أيقال للملك يا لئيم وللندباء يا اشرار.
18[Him] that saith to a king, [Thou art] vile, [Or] to nobles, [Ye are] wicked;
19الذي لا يحابي بوجوه الرؤساء ولا يعتبر موسعا دون فقير. لانهم جميعهم عمل يديه.
19That respecteth not the persons of princes, Nor regardeth the rich more than the poor; For they all are the work of his hands.
20بغتة يموتون وفي نصف الليل. يرتج الشعب ويزولون وينزع الاعزاء لا بيد.
20In a moment they die, even at midnight; The people are shaken and pass away, And the mighty are taken away without hand.
21لان عينيه على طرق الانسان وهو يرى كل خطواته.
21For his eyes are upon the ways of a man, And he seeth all his goings.
22لا ظلام ولا ظل موت حيث تختفي عمّال الاثم.
22There is no darkness, nor thick gloom, Where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves.
23لانه لا يلاحظ الانسان زمانا للدخول في المحاكمة مع الله.
23For he needeth not further to consider a man, That he should go before God in judgment.
24يحطم الاعزاء من دون فحص ويقيم آخرين مكانهم.
24He breaketh in pieces mighty men [in ways] past finding out, And setteth others in their stead.
25لكنه يعرف اعمالهم ويقلّبهم ليلا فينسحقون.
25Therefore he taketh knowledge of their works; And he overturneth them in the night, so that they are destroyed.
26لكونهم اشرارا يصفقهم في مرأى الناظرين.
26He striketh them as wicked men In the open sight of others;
27لانهم انصرفوا من ورائه وكل طرقه لم يتأملوها.
27Because they turned aside from following him, And would not have regard in any of his ways:
28حتى بلّغوا اليه صراخ المسكين فسمع زعقة البائسين.
28So that they caused the cry of the poor to come unto him, And he heard the cry of the afflicted.
29اذا هو سكّن فمن يشغب واذا حجب وجهه فمن يراه سواء كان على امة او على انسان.
29When he giveth quietness, who then can condemn? And when he hideth his face, who then can behold him? Alike whether [it be done] unto a nation, or unto a man:
30حتى لا يملك الفاجر ولا يكون شركا للشعب
30That the godless man reign not, That there be none to ensnare the people.
31ولكن هل للّه قال احتملت. لا اعود افسد.
31For hath any said unto God, I have borne [chastisement], I will not offend [any more]:
32ما لم ابصره فأرنيه انت. ان كنت قد فعلت اثما فلا اعود افعله.
32That which I see not teach thou me: If I have done iniquity, I will do it no more?
33هل كرأيك يجازيه قائلا لانك رفضت فانت تختار لا انا. وبما تعرفه تكلم.
33Shall his recompense be as thou wilt, that thou refusest it? For thou must choose, and not I: Therefore speak what thou knowest.
34ذوو الالباب يقولون لي بل الرجل الحكيم الذي يسمعني يقول
34Men of understanding will say unto me, Yea, every wise man that heareth me:
35ان ايوب يتكلم بلا معرفة وكلامه ليس بتعقّل.
35Job speaketh without knowledge, And his words are without wisdom.
36فليت ايوب كان يمتحن الى الغاية من اجل اجوبته كاهل الاثم.
36Would that Job were tried unto the end, Because of his answering like wicked men.
37لكنه اضاف الى خطيته معصية. يصفق بيننا ويكثر كلامه على الله
37For he addeth rebellion unto his sin; He clappeth his hands among us, And multiplieth his words against God.