الكتاب المقدس (Van Dyke)

American Standard Version



1فاجاب ايوب وقال
1Then Job answered and said,
2ليت كربي وزن ومصيبتي رفعت في الموازين جميعها.
2Oh that my vexation were but weighed, And all my calamity laid in the balances!
3لانها الآن اثقل من رمل البحر. من اجل ذلك لغا كلامي.
3For now it would be heavier than the sand of the seas: Therefore have my words been rash.
4لان سهام القدير فيّ وحمتها شاربة روحي. اهوال الله مصطفة ضدي.
4For the arrows of the Almighty are within me, The poison whereof my spirit drinketh up: The terrors of God do set themselves in array against me.
5هل ينهق الفراء على العشب او يخور الثور على علفه.
5Doth the wild ass bray when he hath grass? Or loweth the ox over his fodder?
6هل يؤكل المسيخ بلا ملح او يوجد طعم في مرق البقلة.
6Can that which hath no savor be eaten without salt? Or is there any taste in the white of an egg?
7ما عافت نفسي ان تمسّها هذه صارت مثل خبزي الكريه
7My soul refuseth to touch [them]; They are as loathsome food to me.
8يا ليت طلبتي تاتي ويعطيني الله رجائي.
8Oh that I might have my request; And that God would grant [me] the thing that I long for!
9ان يرضى الله بان يسحقني ويطلق يده فيقطعني.
9Even that it would please God to crush me; That he would let loose his hand, and cut me off!
10فلا تزال تعزيتي وابتهاجي في عذاب لا يشفق اني لم اجحد كلام القدوس.
10And be it still my consolation, Yea, let me exult in pain that spareth not, That I have not denied the words of the Holy One.
11ما هي قوتي حتى انتظر وما هي نهايتي حتى اصبّر نفسي.
11What is my strength, that I should wait? And what is mine end, that I should be patient?
12هل قوتي قوة الحجارة. هل لحمي نحاس.
12Is my strength the strength of stones? Or is my flesh of brass?
13ألا انه ليست فيّ معونتي والمساعدة مطرودة عني
13Is it not that I have no help in me, And that wisdom is driven quite from me?
14حق المحزون معروف من صاحبه وان ترك خشية القدير.
14To him that is ready to faint kindness [should be showed] from his friend; Even to him that forsaketh the fear of the Almighty.
15اما اخواني فقد غدروا مثل الغدير. مثل ساقية الوديان يعبرون.
15My brethren have dealt deceitfully as a brook, As the channel of brooks that pass away;
16التي هي عكرة من البرد ويختفي فيها الجليد.
16Which are black by reason of the ice, [And] wherein the snow hideth itself:
17اذا جرت انقطعت. اذا حميت جفت من مكانها.
17What time they wax warm, they vanish; When it is hot, they are consumed out of their place.
18يعرّج السّفر عن طريقهم يدخلون التيه فيهلكون.
18The caravans [that travel] by the way of them turn aside; They go up into the waste, and perish.
19نظرت قوافل تيماء. سيارة سبأ رجوها.
19The caravans of Tema looked, The companies of Sheba waited for them.
20خزوا في ما كانوا مطمئنين. جاءوا اليها فخجلوا.
20They were put to shame because they had hoped; They came thither, and were confounded.
21فالآن قد صرتم مثلها. رايتم ضربة ففزعتم.
21For now ye are nothing; Ye see a terror, and are afraid.
22هل قلت اعطوني شيئا او من مالكم ارشوا من اجلي.
22Did I say, Give unto me? Or, Offer a present for me of your substance?
23او نجوني من يد الخصم او من يد العتاة افدوني.
23Or, Deliver me from the adversary's hand? Or, Redeem me from the hand of the oppressors?
24علموني فانا اسكت. وفهموني في اي شيء ضللت.
24Teach me, and I will hold my peace; And cause me to understand wherein I have erred.
25ما اشد الكلام المستقيم واما التوبيخ منكم فعلى ماذا يبرهن.
25How forcible are words of uprightness! But your reproof, what doth it reprove?
26هل تحسبون ان توبخوا كلمات. وكلام اليائس للريح.
26Do ye think to reprove words, Seeing that the speeches of one that is desperate are as wind?
27بل تلقون على اليتيم وتحفرون حفرة لصاحبكم.
27Yea, ye would cast [lots] upon the fatherless, And make merchandise of your friend.
28والآن تفرسوا فيّ. فاني على وجوهكم لا اكذب.
28Now therefore be pleased to look upon me; For surely I shall not lie to your face.
29ارجعوا. لا يكوننّ ظلم. ارجعوا ايضا. فيه حقي.
29Return, I pray you, let there be no injustice; Yea, return again, my cause is righteous.
30هل في لساني ظلم ام حنكي لا يميّز فسادا
30Is there injustice on my tongue? Cannot my taste discern mischievous things?